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Thursday, January 5, 2012

History of Bihar

• The Mauryan Emperor, Ashoka, who is believed to be one of the greatest rulers in the history of India and the world, was born in Patliputra (Present Patna) Photograph ofAsoka. • A part of Bihar was called "Magadha" in ancient times. This place has witnessed the birth, rise and developments of two traditions - Jainism and Buddhism. The world knows that Gautam Budha got the enlightment under a tree 25 km away from Gaya, which is today popularly known by the name of - Bodh Gaya. Photograph of Magadg/Bodg Gaya • The Vikramshila and Nalanda universities were among the oldest and The Best centers of education, learning & development in ancient India. Nalanda was one of the finest university and students from every corner of the world used to come and stay here. Photograph of Vikramshila and Nalanda universities • Bihar remained an important place of power, culture and education during the The Gupta Empire, which again originated from Magadha in 240 CE, is referred to as the Golden Age of India in science, mathematics, astronomy, religion and philosophy. The peace and prosperity created under leadership of Guptas enabled the pursuit of scientific and artistic endeavors. Historians place the Gupta dynasty alongside with the Han Dynasty, Tang Dynasty and Roman Empire as a model of a classical civilization. The capital of Gupta Empire was Pataliputra. Today, today the guptas are not here, but we still have the students who are excelling in mathematics, science, astrology and secquring their place in county’s top most Institutes. • Kalidasa's Sanskrit play Abhigyansakuntalam is one of the Legacy of the Gupta Empire. • The state has witnessed a brief period of glory for six years (1540 -1546 CE) during the rule of Sher Shah Suri, who built the longest road of the Indian subcontinent, the Grand Trunk Road. The economic reforms carried out by Sher Shah, like the introduction of Rupee and Custom Duties that is still used by the Government of India. He built up his headquarter at Patna. • During 1557-1576, Akbar, the Mughal emperor, annexed Bihar and Bengal to his empire.With the decline of the Mughals, Bihar passed under the control of the Nawabs of Bengal. • The tenth and the last human Guru of Sikhism, Guru Gobind Singh was born in Patna. • After the Battle of Buxar (1764), the British East India Company obtained the diwani rights (rights to administer, and collect revenue or tax) for Bihar, Bengal and Orissa. From this point, Bihar remained a part the Bengal Presidency of the British Raj until 1912, when the province of Bihar and Orissa was carved out as a separate province. In 1935, certain portions of Bihar were reorganized into the separate province of Orissa. • It was from Bihar that Mahatma Gandhi launched his pioneering civil-disobedience movement, Champaran Satyagraha. Bhumihar Brahmins in Champaran had earlier revolted against indigo cultivation in 1914 (at Pipra) and 1916 (Turkaulia). • Bihar's contribution in the Indian freedom struggle has been immense.Satyagraha received immense support from many Bihari nationalists like Rajendra Prasad who became the first President of India and Anugrah Narayan Sinha who ultimately became the first Deputy Chief Minister cum Finance Minister of Bihar. • The state of Jharkhand was carved out of Bihar in the year 2000. Find out more about Bihar in the upcomming book -

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